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A faith-based community for moms where they can cheer each other on, find support and encouragement, and move mountains in their fitness. 

Hello, Gorgeous!

Hi momma! My name is Bri, the founder and creator of mommaFit Collective, a faith-based fitness platform just for moms! I'm so excited to have you here, because that means you're considering the Momma Fit Community, so let me tell you more about it! 


Motherhood can be hard, and adding a fitness routine and goals on top of that can seem like a lot. So I wanted to create a space where moms can come together and feel seen, heard, and understood when it comes to health and fitness goals, especially as a mom. 


Not just that, but a place where I can help support, encourage, motivate, and educate to better help you reach your goals and stay on track. Thus, the Momma Fit Community was made! 


This community will provide you with:


-Prenatal, Postnatal, and General Fitness Info, Advice, and Topics

-Nutrition and Recipes

-Live Workouts and Info Sessions

-Yearly Challenges

-Insider Look at Upcoming Programs, Sales, and More

-Special Discounts 


This community is designed not just for moms to have a source of support from me, but also from other moms who are on the same journey!


You have the option of monthly or yearly, but both come with a 7-day free trial!

Monthly: $20/month
Yearly: $200/year (saves ~$40, equivalent to $16.67/month)
Enjoy a free 7-day trail with either option at sign-up!


Ready to join? Hit the button below and join the community for free, today! 

To review our Terms & Conditions as well as Privacy Policy, click HERE

© 2023 by Powerhouse Fitness. Proudly created with


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